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The general coordination and monitoring of the project will be carried out by the Coordinator, Universidad de Alcalá (UAH). The aim is to guarantee an effective and efficient start, implementation and conclusion of the project, managing not only the financial and administrative issues, but also the technical and scientific ones. The management structure has two organisational levels:

  1. A Coordination Unit (CU), which includes the project coordinator (UAH). It has the following tasks: a) to represent the DIALOGOS in communication with the National Agency and the EC; b) to guarantee the grant management and distribution according to the procedures foreseen by the EC; c) to collect and prepare the technical and financial reports, as well as to supervise the progress of the project, submitting reports according to agreed timescales; d) to plan communication processes and policy; e) to ensure the project’s smooth development, alerting the National Agency’s representatives in case of problems and trying to propose appropriate solutions to these problems.
  2. A Steering Committee (SC), made up of one project manager for each academic partner who will lead each of the WP (Carmen Pena UAH, WP 1 and 3; Mara Morelli, UNIGE for WP 2; and Elpida Eloupaki, Auth for WP4). It has the following tasks: a) to plan all the tasks and share information in an effective and efficient way; b) to supervise the progress of all the activities; c) to prepare internal reports. Quality and financial resources will be monitored every 6 months.

Each university has a cooperating association who will help develop each task.